On an Evening Stroll in Beautiful Tel Aviv & Jaffa


Tel Aviv - Jaffa

During Jan’s recent trip she enjoyed walking along the Taylet (Promenade along the Mediterranean) to Jaffa, which is one of the oldest known cities in the world.


“It’s a true pleasure to gaze upon beautiful Tel Aviv at night. Jaffa dates back to the story of Jonah in the Old Testament” and, even after 80+ trips to Israel, Jan says, “I never get tired of looking at the many faces of this city which represents the beginning of the state of Israel.”

Here’s a cool view of Tel Aviv at night with drone photography:

Watch this video to get a feel for the wonderful energy along the promenade as they travel on bike all the way from north Tel Aviv south to Jaffa as the sun is going down.

Are you ready for Tel Aviv and Jaffa?


Kim Goldberg

I’m an artist, graphic designer and art director in Des Moines, IA with 28+ years of design, project management and art experience. I worked at Gallup as a Senior Design Consultant (17 year tenure) then at Ervin & Smith Advertising & PR as a Senior Art Director. I started my own design business in 2009 where I continue to collaborate with a diverse group of clients from around the world.